Cheating Bots in Telegram: Create a Live Audience for Your Channel!

Cheating bots in telegram

Telegram bots will subscribe to the chat or channel you specify.

  1. For whom 
  2. How it works
  3. Bot quality 
  4. Volumes and speed
  5. Price 
  6. Guarantees and disclaimers
  7. Risks
  8. Payment 
  9. Conclusion

For whom 

A service for boosting bots in Telegram for novice owners of channels or chats who want to create the appearance of a live audience in their chat or channel. 

How it works

Telegram bots will subscribe to the chat or channel you specify, in the quantity you need, with the frequency and speed you need. Thus, the number of subscribers on your chat or channel counter will increase. 

Bot quality 

If necessary, and a little more expensive, all bots will look like real subscribers, with avatars, profile descriptions, names and usernames. It is absolutely impossible to visually distinguish such bots from real subscribers. We can offer any geo telegram bots to choose from. 

Volumes and speed

We can offer any volumes, and we can adjust the speed and frequency of subscription to suit you. We do not recommend signing up a large number of audiences at one time, at least it looks unnatural. 


The cost of the service depends on the quality and number of telegram bots. The bottom line is, for ease of calculation, the cost of a bot subscriber for you will be ~0.9 UAH. In rare cases — a little cheaper. Minimum order = 1000 bots. 

Guarantees and disclaimers

We give a 100% guarantee that there will be unsubscribes! In addition, we give a 100% guarantee that everyone who tells you about a guarantee of unsubscribe is lying. Let’s explain it very simply — even if the seller promises not to unsubscribe from you, even if he keeps his promise — sooner or later his bot account will be simply blocked by Telegram for being a bot! And at this moment he will definitely unsubscribe from you. Therefore, do not allow yourself to be deceived. There have been and will be unsubscribes, but with us they are small! 


Subscribing to bots carries certain risks, ranging from minor temporary restrictions that Telegram may impose to complete blocking (ban, deletion). Here it’s worth immediately making a reservation that in order to receive a serious full-fledged ban “for bots” you need to try very hard, the probability of such an outcome is less than 1%. 

Our specialists, having experience and skills, will carry out the order in such a way that this does not lead to any restrictions in principle, however, we honestly warn the customer that this is theoretically possible.

The chance of receiving certain restrictions is primarily affected by the trustworthiness of the chat or channel and methods and approaches to cheating bots in telegrams. All detailed instructions and consultations will be provided to you by your personal manager before starting your order. 


The service is paid for 100% in advance. For your convenience, payment can be made in any convenient way, payment using details, issuing an invoice, payment by card, etc. 


Cheating bots in a Telegram chat or channel is necessary for novice owners to further develop their chats and channels and to create the effect of the presence of a live audience. We offer bots of the highest quality, at any speed and volume. The cost of a bot subscriber will be ~0.9 UAH/piece, and for your convenience, payment can be made in any convenient way. At the same time, we honestly declare that a small number of bots will definitely unsubscribe over time. In addition, we honestly warn you about the existence of small risks with low chances of their occurrence.

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  • For Whom: Our bot boosting service is designed for owners of channels or chats who are starting out and wish to establish a visible presence of a lively audience in their chat or channel.
  • How It Works: Telegram bots will subscribe to your specified chat or channel in the quantity and at the frequency and speed you desire, boosting the subscriber count on your chat or channel.
  • Bot Quality: If needed and at a slightly higher cost, all bots will appear as live subscribers with avatars, profile descriptions, names, and usernames. Visually distinguishing these bots from real subscribers is nearly impossible. We can offer Telegram bots with any chosen geographical location.
  • Volumes and Speed: We can offer any volumes, and the subscription speed and frequency can be adjusted to your preference. We recommend avoiding subscribing to a large audience at once, as it may appear unnatural.
  • Cost: The cost of the service depends on the quality and quantity of Telegram bots. For simplicity, the cost per subscriber for you will be approximately ~0.9 UAH. In individual cases, it may be slightly cheaper. The minimum order is 1000 bots.
  • Guarantees and Unsubscriptions: We guarantee 100% that there will be unsubscriptions! Additionally, we guarantee 100% that anyone promising you a guarantee against unsubscribing is lying. Even if a seller promises not to unsubscribe, even if they keep their promise, Telegram will eventually block their bot account for being a bot. At that moment, they will undoubtedly unsubscribe from you. Therefore, do not allow yourself to be deceived. Unsubscriptions have happened and will happen, but ours are minimal!
  • Risks: Bot subscriptions carry certain risks, ranging from minor temporary restrictions Telegram might impose to complete blocking (ban, removal). It's worth noting that to receive a serious full ban "for bots," one needs to really try; the probability of such a result is less than 1%. Our specialists, with their experience and skills, will execute the order in a way that generally avoids any restrictions. However, we honestly warn the buyer that theoretically, it is possible.
  • Payment: The service is paid in full in advance. For your convenience, payment can be made through various methods, including bank transfer, invoice issuance, card payments, and more.
  • Conclusion: Boosting bots in a Telegram chat or channel is necessary for novice owners to further develop their chats and channels and to create the effect of a live audience presence. We offer top-quality bots with any speed and volumes. The cost per subscriber will be approximately ~0.9 UAH, and for your convenience, payment can be made through any convenient method. At the same time, we honestly declare that a few bots will definitely unsubscribe over time. Additionally, we openly warn you of the existence of small risks with minimal chances of occurrence.